
Showing posts from May, 2023

Food Photography in Dubai

Recently my travels have taken me to Dubai to shoot food for Spinneys Food Magazine for the lovely people at John Brown Media.   I spent two days shooting a few really lovely meals, including wedding cake options and some absolutely adorable eating place meals at Taste Kitchen and Hakkasan Dubai. The first shoot turned into styled via the very proficient Amy Fullwood, the Deputy Food Editor.   Spinneys is Dubai’s main premium meals retailer, and John Brown Media produce a lovely monthly customer magazine referred to as Food. Day 01: After arriving the day earlier than and having a short look around town, the following day changed into spent in a lovely display kitchen in Downtown Dubai, in which Amy put together a gaggle of stunning alternatives to the traditional wedding cake.  The mild in Dubai became beautiful and clear, and all the paintings I shot become the usage of available window light. Day 02: In the morning we headed out to the barren region to a very high-quality eating pla